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[Author] Wei LI(85hit)


  • Testable Critical Path Selection Considering Process Variation

    Xiang FU  Huawei LI  Xiaowei LI  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E93-D No:1

    Critical path selection is very important in delay testing. Critical paths found by conventional static timing analysis (STA) tools are inadequate to represent the real timing of the circuit, since neither the testability of paths nor the statistical variation of cell delays caused by process variation is considered. This paper proposed a novel path selection method considering process variation. The circuit is firstly simplified by eliminating non-critical edges under statistical timing model, and then divided into sub-circuits, while each sub-circuit has only one prime input (PI) and one prime output (PO). Critical paths are selected only in critical sub-circuits. The concept of partially critical edges (PCEs) and completely critical edges (CCEs) are introduced to speed up the path selection procedure. Two path selection strategies are also presented to search for a testable critical path set to cover all the critical edges. The experimental results showed that the proposed circuit division approach is efficient in path number reduction, and PCEs and CCEs play an important role as a guideline during path selection.

  • Person Re-Identification by Common-Near-Neighbor Analysis

    Wei LI  Masayuki MUKUNOKI  Yinghui KUANG  Yang WU  Michihiko MINOH  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E97-D No:11

    Re-identifying the same person in different images is a distinct challenge for visual surveillance systems. Building an accurate correspondence between highly variable images requires a suitable dissimilarity measure. To date, most existing measures have used adapted distance based on a learned metric. Unfortunately, real-world human image data, which tends to show large intra-class variations and small inter-class differences, continues to prevent these measures from achieving satisfactory re-identification performance. Recognizing neighboring distribution can provide additional useful information to help tackle the deviation of the to-be-measured samples, we propose a novel dissimilarity measure from the neighborhood-wise relative information perspective, which can deliver the effectiveness of those well-distributed samples to the badly-distributed samples to make intra-class dissimilarities smaller than inter-class dissimilarities, in a learned discriminative space. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by explanation and experimentation.

  • An Enhanced Distributed Adaptive Direct Position Determination

    Wei XIA  Wei LIU  Xinglong XIA  Jinfeng HU  Huiyong LI  Zishu HE  Sen ZHONG  

    LETTER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E99-A No:5

    The recently proposed distributed adaptive direct position determination (D-ADPD) algorithm provides an efficient way to locating a radio emitter using a sensor network. However, this algorithm may be suboptimal in the situation of colored emitted signals. We propose an enhanced distributed adaptive direct position determination (EDA-DPD) algorithm. Simulations validate that the proposed EDA-DPD outperforms the D-ADPD in colored emitted signals scenarios and has the similar performance with the D-ADPD in white emitted signal scenarios.

  • Opportunistic Resource Sharing in Mobile Cloud Computing

    Wei LIU  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E97-B No:12

    The mobile cloud computing (MCC) paradigm is aimed at integrating mobile devices with cloud computing. In the client-server architecture of MCC, mobile devices offload tasks to the cloud to utilize the computation and storage resources of data centers. However, due to the rapid increase in the traffic demand and complexity of mobile applications, service providers have to continuously upgrade their infrastructures at great expense. At the same time, modern mobile devices have greater resources (communication, computation, and sensing), and these resources are not always fully utilized by device users. Therefore, mobile devices, from time to time, encounter other devices that could provide resources to them. Because the amount of such resources has increased with the number of mobile devices, researchers have begun to consider making use of these resources, located at the “edge” of mobile networks, to increase the scalability of future information networks. This has led to a cooperation based architecture of MCC. This paper reports the concept and design of an resource sharing mechanism that utilize resources in mobile devices through opportunistic contacts between them. Theoretical models and formal definitions of problems are presented. The efficiency of the proposed mechanism is validated through formal proofs and extensive simulation.

  • Real-Time Head Action Recognition Based on HOF and ELM

    Tie HONG  Yuan Wei LI  Zhi Ying WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E102-D No:1

    Head action recognition, as a specific problem in action recognition, has been studied in this paper. Different from most existing researches, our head action recognition problem is specifically defined for the requirement of some practical applications. Based on our definition, we build a corresponding head action dataset which contains many challenging cases. For action recognition, we proposed a real-time head action recognition framework based on HOF and ELM. The framework consists of face detection based ROI determination, HOF feature extraction in ROI, and ELM based action prediction. Experiments show that our method achieves good accuracy and is efficient enough for practical applications.

  • Different Mechanisms of Temperature Dependency of N-Hit SET in Bulk and PD-SOI Technology

    Biwei LIU  Yankang DU  Kai ZHANG  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E97-C No:5

    Many studies have reported that the single-event transient (SET) width increases with temperature. However, the mechanism for this temperature dependency is not clear, especially for an N-hit SET. In this study, TCAD simulations are carried out to study the temperature dependence of N-hit SETs in detail. Several possible factors are examined, and the results show that the temperature dependence in bulk devices is due to the decrease in the carrier mobility with temperature in both the struck NMOS and the pull-up PMOS. In contrast, the temperature dependence in SOI devices is due to the decrease in the diffusion constant and carrier lifetime with temperature, which enhances the parasitic bipolar effect.

  • A Speech Enhancement Method Based on Multi-Task Bayesian Compressive Sensing

    Hanxu YOU  Zhixian MA  Wei LI  Jie ZHU  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E100-D No:3

    Traditional speech enhancement (SE) algorithms usually have fluctuant performance when they deal with different types of noisy speech signals. In this paper, we propose multi-task Bayesian compressive sensing based speech enhancement (MT-BCS-SE) algorithm to achieve not only comparable performance to but also more stable performance than traditional SE algorithms. MT-BCS-SE algorithm utilizes the dependence information among compressive sensing (CS) measurements and the sparsity of speech signals to perform SE. To obtain sufficient sparsity of speech signals, we adopt overcomplete dictionary to transform speech signals into sparse representations. K-SVD algorithm is employed to learn various overcomplete dictionaries. The influence of the overcomplete dictionary on MT-BCS-SE algorithm is evaluated through large numbers of experiments, so that the most suitable dictionary could be adopted by MT-BCS-SE algorithm for obtaining the best performance. Experiments were conducted on well-known NOIZEUS corpus to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. In these cases of NOIZEUS corpus, MT-BCS-SE is shown that to be competitive or even superior to traditional SE algorithms, such as optimally-modified log-spectral amplitude (OMLSA), multi-band spectral subtraction (SSMul), and minimum mean square error (MMSE), in terms of signal-noise ratio (SNR), speech enhancement gain (SEG) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) and to have better stability than traditional SE algorithms.

  • Analysis of Reflector and Horn Antennas Using Adaptive Integral Method

    Wei-Bin EWE  Le-Wei LI  Qun WU  Mook-Seng LEONG  


    E88-B No:6

    This paper presents an analysis of electrically large antennas using the adaptive integral method (AIM). The arbitrarily shaped perfectly conducting surfaces are modeled using triangular patches and the associated electric field integral equation (EFIE) is solved for computing the radiation patterns of these antennas. The method of moments (MoM) is used to discretize the integral equations and the resultant matrix system will be solved by an iterative solver. The AIM is employed in the iterative solver to speed up the matrix-vector multiplication and to reduce the memory requirement. As specific applications, radiation patterns of parabolic reflectors and X-band horns are computed using the proposed method.

  • A Joint Coverage Constrained Task Offloading and Resource Allocation Method in MEC Open Access

    Daxiu ZHANG  Xianwei LI  Bo WEI  Yukun SHI  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E107-A No:8

    With the increase of the number of Mobile User Equipments (MUEs), numerous tasks that with high requirements of resources are generated. However, the MUEs have limited computational resources, computing power and storage space. In this paper, a joint coverage constrained task offloading and resource allocation method based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed. The aim is offloading the tasks that cannot be processed locally to the edge servers to alleviate the conflict between the resource constraints of MUEs and the high performance task processing. The studied problem considers the dynamic variability and complexity of the system model, coverage, offloading decisions, communication relationships and resource constraints. An entropy weight method is used to optimize the resource allocation process and balance the energy consumption and execution time. The results of the study show that the number of tasks and MUEs affects the execution time and energy consumption of the task offloading and resource allocation processes in the interest of the service provider, and enhances the user experience.

  • Pool-Unet: A Novel Tongue Image Segmentation Method Based on Pool-Former and Multi-Task Mask Learning Open Access

    Xiangrun LI  Qiyu SHENG  Guangda ZHOU  Jialong WEI  Yanmin SHI  Zhen ZHAO  Yongwei LI  Xingfeng LI  Yang LIU  


    E107-A No:10

    Automated tongue segmentation plays a crucial role in the realm of computer-aided tongue diagnosis. The challenge lies in developing algorithms that achieve higher segmentation accuracy and maintain less memory space and swift inference capabilities. To relieve this issue, we propose a novel Pool-unet integrating Pool-former and Multi-task mask learning for tongue image segmentation. First of all, we collected 756 tongue images taken in various shooting environments and from different angles and accurately labeled the tongue under the guidance of a medical professional. Second, we propose the Pool-unet model, combining a hierarchical Pool-former module and a U-shaped symmetric encoder-decoder with skip-connections, which utilizes a patch expanding layer for up-sampling and a patch embedding layer for down-sampling to maintain spatial resolution, to effectively capture global and local information using fewer parameters and faster inference. Finally, a Multi-task mask learning strategy is designed, which improves the generalization and anti-interference ability of the model through the Multi-task pre-training and self-supervised fine-tuning stages. Experimental results on the tongue dataset show that compared to the state-of-the-art method (OET-NET), our method has 25% fewer model parameters, achieves 22% faster inference times, and exhibits 0.91% and 0.55% improvements in Mean Intersection Over Union (MIOU), and Mean Pixel Accuracy (MPA), respectively.

  • 3D Face Landmarking Method under Pose and Expression Variations

    Yuan HU  Jingqi YAN  Wei LI  Pengfei SHI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E94-D No:3

    A robust method is presented for 3D face landmarking with facial pose and expression variations. This method is based on Multi-level Partition of Unity (MPU) Implicits without relying on texture, pose, orientation and expression information. The MPU Implicits reconstruct 3D face surface in a hierarchical way. From lower to higher reconstruction levels, the local shapes can be reconstructed gradually according to their significance. For 3D faces, three landmarks, nose, left eyehole and right eyehole, can be detected uniquely with the analysis of curvature features at lower levels. Experimental results on GavabDB database show that this method is invariant to pose, holes, noise and expression. The overall performance of 98.59% is achieved under pose and expression variations.

  • Foreground Segmentation via Dynamic Programming

    Bing LUO  Chao HUANG  Lei MA  Wei LI  Qingbo WU  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E97-D No:10

    This paper proposes a novel method to segment the object of a specific class based on a rough detection window (such as Deformable Part Model (DPM) in this paper), which is robust to the positions of the bounding boxes. In our method, the DPM is first used to generate the root and part windows of the object. Then a set of object part candidates are generated by randomly sampling windows around the root window. Furthermore, an undirected graph (the minimum spanning tree) is constructed to describe the spatial relationships between the part windows. Finally, the object is segmented by grouping the part proposals on the undirected graph, which is formulated as an energy function minimization problem. A novel energy function consisting of the data term and the smoothness term is designed to characterize the combination of the part proposals, which is globally minimized by the dynamic programming on a tree. Our experimental results on challenging dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • A Novel Post-Silicon Debug Mechanism Based on Suspect Window

    Jianliang GAO  Yinhe HAN  Xiaowei LI  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E93-D No:5

    Bugs are becoming unavoidable in complex integrated circuit design. It is imperative to identify the bugs as soon as possible through post-silicon debug. For post-silicon debug, observability is one of the biggest challenges. Scan-based debug mechanism provides high observability by reusing scan chains. However, it is not feasible to scan dump cycle-by-cycle during program execution due to the excessive time required. In fact, it is not necessary to scan out the error-free states. In this paper, we introduce Suspect Window to cover the clock cycle in which the bug is triggered. Then, we present an efficient approach to determine the suspect window. Based on Suspect Window, we propose a novel debug mechanism to locate the bug both temporally and spatially. Since scan dumps are only taken in the suspect window with the proposed mechanism, the time required for locating the bug is greatly reduced. The approaches are evaluated using ISCAS'89 and ITC'99 benchmark circuits. The experimental results show that the proposed mechanism can significantly reduce the overall debug time compared to scan-based debug mechanism while keeping high observability.

  • BFF R-CNN: Balanced Feature Fusion for Object Detection

    Hongzhe LIU  Ningwei WANG  Xuewei LI  Cheng XU  Yaze LI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:8

    In the neck part of a two-stage object detection network, feature fusion is generally carried out in either a top-down or bottom-up manner. However, two types of imbalance may exist: feature imbalance in the neck of the model and gradient imbalance in the region of interest extraction layer due to the scale changes of objects. The deeper the network is, the more abstract the learned features are, that is to say, more semantic information can be extracted. However, the extracted image background, spatial location, and other resolution information are less. In contrast, the shallow part can learn little semantic information, but a lot of spatial location information. We propose the Both Ends to Centre to Multiple Layers (BEtM) feature fusion method to solve the feature imbalance problem in the neck and a Multi-level Region of Interest Feature Extraction (MRoIE) layer to solve the gradient imbalance problem. In combination with the Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) framework, our Balanced Feature Fusion (BFF) method offers significantly improved network performance compared with the Faster R-CNN architecture. On the MS COCO 2017 dataset, it achieves an average precision (AP) that is 1.9 points and 3.2 points higher than those of the Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) Faster R-CNN framework and the Generic Region of Interest Extractor (GRoIE) framework, respectively.

  • A Local Resource Sharing Platform in Mobile Cloud Computing

    Wei LIU  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Tatsuro TAKAHASHI  


    E97-B No:9

    Despite the increasing use of mobile computing, exploiting its full potential is difficult due to its inherent characteristics such as error-prone transmission channels, diverse node capabilities, frequent disconnections and mobility. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a paradigm that is aimed at overcoming previous problems through integrating mobile devices with cloud computing. Mobile devices, in the traditional client-server architecture of MCC, offload their tasks to the cloud to utilize the computation and storage resources of data centers. However, along with the development of hardware and software technologies in mobile devices, researchers have begun to take into consideration local resource sharing among mobile devices themselves. This is defined as the cooperation based architecture of MCC. Analogous to the conventional terminology, the resource platforms that are comprised of surrounding surrogate mobile devices are called local resource clouds. Some researchers have recently verified the feasibility and benefits of this strategy. However, existing work has neglected an important issue with this approach, i.e., how to construct local resource clouds in dynamic mobile wireless networks. This paper presents the concept and design of a local resource cloud that is both energy and time efficient. Along with theoretical models and formal definitions of problems, an efficient heuristic algorithm with low computational complexity is also presented. The results from simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models and method.

  • Patch Optimization for Surface Light Field Reconstruction

    Wei LI  Huajun GONG  Chunlin SHEN  Yi WU  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E101-D No:12

    Surface light field advances conventional light field rendering techniques by utilizing geometry information. Using surface light field, real-world objects with complex appearance could be faithfully represented. This capability could play an important role in many VR/AR applications. However, an accurate geometric model is needed for surface light field sampling and processing, which limits its wide usage since many objects of interests are difficult to reconstruct with their usually very complex appearances. We propose a novel two-step optimization framework to reduce the dependency of accurate geometry. The key insight is to treat surface light field sampling as a multi-view multi-texture optimization problem. Our approach can deal with both model inaccuracy and image to model misalignment, making it possible to create high-fidelity surface light field models without using high-precision special hardware.

  • Manage the Tradeoff in Data Sanitization

    Peng CHENG  Chun-Wei LIN  Jeng-Shyang PAN  Ivan LEE  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E98-D No:10

    Sharing data might bring the risk of disclosing the sensitive knowledge in it. Usually, the data owner may choose to sanitize data by modifying some items in it to hide sensitive knowledge prior to sharing. This paper focuses on protecting sensitive knowledge in the form of frequent itemsets by data sanitization. The sanitization process may result in side effects, i.e., the data distortion and the damage to the non-sensitive frequent itemsets. How to minimize these side effects is a challenging problem faced by the research community. Actually, there is a trade-off when trying to minimize both side effects simultaneously. In view of this, we propose a data sanitization method based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO). This method can hide specified sensitive itemsets completely while minimizing the accompanying side effects. Experiments on real datasets show that the proposed approach is very effective in performing the hiding task with fewer damage to the original data and non-sensitive knowledge.

  • Determination of Error Values for Decoding Hermitian Codes with the Inverse Affine Fourier Transform

    Chih-Wei LIU  

    LETTER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E82-A No:10

    With the knowledge of the syndromes Sa,b, 0a,b q-2, the exact error values cannot be determined by using the conventional (q-1)2-point discrete Fourier transform in the decoding of a plane algebraic-geometric code over GF(q). In this letter, the inverse q-point 1-dimensional and q2-point 2-dimensional affine Fourier transform over GF(q) are presented to be used to retrieve the actual error values, but it requires much computation efforts. For saving computation complexity, a modification of the affine Fourier transform is derived by using the property of the rational points of the plane Hermitian curve. The modified transform, which has almost the same computation complexity of the conventional discrete Fourier transform, requires the knowledge of syndromes Sa,b, 0 a,b q-2, and three more extended syndromes Sq-1,q-1, S0,q-1, Sq-1,0.

  • A Method for Determination of GNSS Radio Frequency Compatibility Threshold and Its Assessment

    Wei LIU  Yuan HU  

    PAPER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E97-B No:5

    With the development of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), the interference among global navigation satellite systems, known as the radio frequency compatibility problem, has become a matter of great concern to system providers and user communities. The acceptable compatibility threshold should be determined in the radio frequency compatibility assessment process. However, there is no common standard for the acceptable threshold in the radio frequency compatibility assessment. This paper firstly introduces the comprehensive radio frequency compatibility methodology combining the spectral separation coefficient (SSC) and code tracking spectral sensitivity coefficient (CT_SSC). Then, a method for determination of the acceptable compatibility threshold is proposed. The proposed method considers the receiver processing phase including acquisition, code and carrier tracking and data demodulation. Simulations accounting for the interference effects are carried out at each time step and every place on earth. The simulations mainly consider the signals of GPS, Galileo and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) in the L1 band. Results show that all of the sole systems are compatible with other GNSS systems with respect to a special receiver configuration used in the simulations.

  • Security Enhancement for Protecting Password Transmission

    Chou-Chen YANG  Ting-Yi CHANG  Jian-Wei LI  Min-Shiang HWANG  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E86-B No:7

    In 2002, Hwang and Yeh proposed some improved schemes to mend several security flaws in the Peyravian-Zunic password transmission scheme and password change scheme. However, this article will point out that there still exist some security flaws in the Hwang-Yeh schemes; at the same time, we shall also propose some improved versions of their schemes.


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